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If you work with data và give PowerPoint presentations in 2021, consider using infographics. Luckily, there are plenty of good PowerPoint infographic templates to choose from.
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With 1200 chất lượng slides, this PowerPoint infographic template features a wide variety. Many slide sizes, more than 40 màu sắc palettes, & dark / bright options give you the ultimate flexibility in your slide design. The professional design in this far exceeds free infographic templates for PowerPoint options.
10. Infographic Pack Templates for PowerPoint
Our last premium template before getting khổng lồ the không tính phí PowerPoint infographics is this pack. This infographic template PPT has all the most popular chart types that help you illustrate your key ideas. Sample from flow charts, pyramids, funnels, & more that"ll transform your data into interactive ideas. Use this instead of an infographic template PowerPoint that"s free for your next presentation.
25 không tính tiền Infographic Templates PowerPoint Files to Try in 2021
Your best choice for a PowerPoint infographic template is to tải về a premium template. You"ll get more options, support, & be happier with the result.
But there are times when the budget doesn"t allow for a oremium template download. Or maybe you rarely do PowerPoints và need a không lấy phí infographic template PowerPoint file for a one-off occasion.
Perhaps you"re learning how khổng lồ create presentations. You want a template you can play around with, but you don"t intend khổng lồ actually show it khổng lồ anyone. For those instances, a miễn phí infographic PowerPoint makes sense.
Gathering data for an infographic to showroom to your presentation can be worth the effort. (Image source: Envato Elements)I"ve scoured the internet and found 25 không tính phí infographic templates PowerPoint files for you. Sources for miễn phí infographics for PowerPoint on this danh mục include:
Each month, Envato Market also shares handpicked premium freebies you can use. It"s a great place to lớn start if you want a không lấy phí PowerPoint infographics pack but don"t want to lớn compromise on quality.
Note: The không tính phí infographic templates PowerPoint files linked here are hosted by their respective sites. Their availability depends on the hosting site. Also, some không tính tiền PowerPoint infographics need that you provide attribution for your presentation. Read the terms of use carefully.
Here"s a danh sách of over 25 không tính tiền infographics for PowerPoint:
1. Map Pins Infographic
This không tính phí infographic for PowerPoint can enhance your next presentation. Simply define your maps pins & then place them on the bản đồ with this PowerPoint infographic template miễn phí download.
2. Animated Infographic Slides. This miễn phí PowerPoint infographics pack is an accessible template with animated slides. The infographic PowerPoint template không lấy phí also includes a bulleted list.
3. Process infographic. This process PowerPoint infographic template không tính phí download features the Integral theme. This miễn phí infographic PowerPoint features columns. Use it on its own or as part of a presentation.
4. Statistics Infographics Sampler
This không lấy phí PowerPoint infographics pack from Microsoft features seven slides. Six are PowerPoint infographic templates free, & the seventh is a cover slide template.
5. Cymbeline Presentation Template. There are 25 different slides in this infographic template PowerPoint miễn phí download. It also includes icons and a world map. These free infographics for PowerPoint feature and black and white màu sắc scheme.
6. Basset Presentation Template. Here"s another multi-purpose infographic template PowerPoint không lấy phí download. It includes graphs, charts và tables. There are also 80 different icons in this free infographic template PowerPoint.
7. Infographic Timeline
One of the most popular types of infographic slide designs is a timeline. Looking for free infographics for PowerPoint that include timelines? Consider this infographic template PowerPoint miễn phí from Microsoft Office.
8. Process Path Infographic. Here"s another infographic template không tính tiền download PowerPoint tệp tin from Office. This one"s an infographic that shows the path of a process.
9. Infographic Pie Chart. This không tính tiền infographic PowerPoint that features a unique-looking pie design with icons in each of the slices.
10. Colorful product Roadmap Timeline
If you"re in sản phẩm development, Microsoft"s sản phẩm roadmap template could be helpful. Kiểm tra out this infographic template PowerPoint không tính tiền file.
11. Timeline SmartArt Diagram. Here"s a modern-looking timeline slide template based on an arrow with circles to depict the passage of time. If you need khổng lồ use a timeline, it"s a good infographic template PowerPoint không lấy phí download.
12. Ulysses Presentation Template.
Here"s an editable miễn phí infographic PowerPoint template. This infographic template không tính tiền download PowerPoint file works well for printed presentations. But it"s not the best for a live slide deck presentation.
13. Ideas Bulb Diagram for PowerPoint. Here"s another of our chosen không lấy phí infographic templates for PowerPoint. This two-slide infographic PowerPoint template không tính tiền download has a light bulb design. Choose between a light or dark layout.
14. Pie Chart Infographic for PowerPoint. This infographic template free download PowerPoint files features a pie chart with eight parts. Edit the chart to showroom your own statistics.
15. Doughnut PowerPoint Diagram. Here"s another infographic template free download for PowerPoint with circular designs. This one consists of doughnut-shaped layers. Edit this free PowerPoint infographic to customize the colors or change the sizes.
16. Infographic Org Chart. Many presentations include an org chart. So, it"s good that there"s this free infographic PowerPoint. Tải về this free PowerPoint infographics org chart if you need it.
17. Banner Staircase PowerPoint Diagram. We like PowerPoint infographic templates miễn phí like this. The rectangles on this colorful không lấy phí PowerPoint infographics design make a staircase. Use it to depict a progression or growth.
18. Infographic Percentage Chart
For facts và figures, a bar chart can be a great illustration. Here"s a nice bar chart không tính tiền infographic template PowerPoint. It"s one of the many miễn phí PowerPoint infographics from Microsoft.
19. Concept Chart Template for PowerPoint. This PowerPoint infographic template không tính tiền download has circular elements. It"s a good option for an infographic template PowerPoint không tính tiền file.
20. Sankey Diagram for PowerPoint. Does your use Sankey diagrams? You"ll appreciate this infographic template PowerPoint free download. Change the line widths or colors if you need to.
21. Rising Line Arrow PowerPoint Diagram Template
There are many free infographic templates for PowerPoint online, but we like this one. This infographic PowerPoint template free download has colorful arrows for many things.
22. Free Multi-Level Pyramid Diagram for PowerPoint. Here"s another không lấy phí infographic PowerPoint. Use this multi-level pyramid diagram in various ways. Customize this infographic PowerPoint template free download with your own colors & information.
23. Progress Pie Charts for PowerPoint. This infographic template free download PowerPoint file includes two quality slides. Each shape and pie chart is editable.
24. Infographic Cycle Diagram for PowerPoint. This is a PowerPoint infographic templates miễn phí file with a cycle diagram. There are horizontal folded banners connected lớn eight donut pie chart slices. It also features editable graphics with icons and text placeholders.
25. Ribbon Wrapped Arrow PowerPoint Diagram
To round out our danh sách of miễn phí infographics for PowerPoint, we"ve got this ribbon wrapped arrow template. The text is editable, và through copy và paste, you can turn this into a không tính tiền PowerPoint infographics pack of arrows.
How khổng lồ Quickly Customize Premium Infographic PowerPoint Templates
Throughout this article, we"ve touted PowerPoint infographic templates. These are the best way to lớn jump ahead while designing your presentation.
These templates might not look lượt thích the final slide you"ve got in mind. But that"s why we customize them. A PowerPoint infographic template is a starting point, not a finished product.
We"ll customize three PowerPoint infographics slides from the premium Sante data PPT template. Let"s walk through three examples:
1. The Bubble Timeline
A premium infographic timeline from Envato Elements.There are many forms of infographics, and timelines are one of the most popular.
When you use a timeline, you can link events together. In fact, you can also use it khổng lồ chart a path lớn the future. Slide 47 in our kiến thiết is a neat bubble timeline slide. Here are three steps I took lớn customize it:
Remove several bubbles. I"m a minimalist by trade. Removing objects in an infographics slide makes it more readable. I removed about half of the intermediate bubbles by clicking on them & pressing Delete on my keyboard.Update text. On the remaining bubbles, update the captions with text that reflect the steps that show progression.Create a forecast. It"s optional, but I chose to lớn make half of the bubble steps a forecast of the future. To lớn the right of the middle circle, I made all the points predictions và projections for the future.2. The Triangle Slide
Triangles are a common shape for infographics, & it"s easy khổng lồ see why. Three pillars fit together for a cohesive message.
Slide 51 is a stunning thiết kế for a slide infographic. Here are my three customizations:
Separated objects. I love the triangle diagram, but it felt a bit crowded. I clicked on the separate shapes, then pulled them apart to give the slide more space.Updated text. Each section of the triangle stands for a pillar of my company"s principles. I updated both the text boxes & the text on the triangle khổng lồ represent each of the three principles.Minimalist approach. Throughout this slide, I"ve reduced the amount of text used. With fewer text boxes khổng lồ focus on, the audience is more likely khổng lồ focus on my key points.3. The maps Slide
With the help of a bản đồ slide, create a geographic-based infographic. Slide 64 in our template is perfect for a maps slide.
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In my case, I"m going khổng lồ use this slide lớn show that my company is a remote-friendly company. Here are the adjustments I made lớn make this slide shine:
Recolored the states. Each of the states on our maps is a shape of its own. Click on a state và choose a new màu sắc on the Format > Shape Fill dropdown. In my case, I recolored the states where I"ve got a presence.Update the data. My statistics on the right side are different than the placeholders. So, I typed over the numeric values and adjusted them with relevant details.Update the slide title. I typed over the slide header to địa chỉ my specifics & make a strong impression.5 Tips for Using Infographics in PowerPoint
You"ve seen some of the best infographic templates in PowerPoint. Now, let"s reviews some tips that"ll help you make the most of them:
1. Choose the Right Design
We"ve highlighted many templates in this round-up. Together, the templates have hundreds of different infographics that you can use to illustrate key ideas.
Do you know the most important part of working with PowerPoint infographic templates? It"s choosing the right visual to lớn showcase your data. Before you start dropping your data into an infographic, review your options to choose the right one. For example, the overlapping concentric circles below show how the shared parts of ideas versus the divergent points.
Spending time choosing the right infographic is crucial. Think about the type of visual that showcases your idea effectively.
Choose a PPT like the premium STARTUP infographic template.2. Convert Basic Data to Infographics
When you begin working with infographic templates in PowerPoint, you might be unsure of when to use them. What situations are the right time lớn use infographics?
One of the best opportunities is to lớn take basic, flat data và re-arrange it into an infographic. In the example below, basic data points become alive with a thematic infographic.
Use a PowerPoint infographic slide like this one from the premium Sante template to make data exciting.3. Use Infographics Sparingly
Even though I"m a big proponent of using infographics, it"s not wise khổng lồ fill an entire presentation with them. Use an infographic PowerPoint template sparingly, saving them for your big ideas.
As always, presentations benefit from variety. It"s not ideal lớn use an infographic for every concept in a presentation. Instead, save them for a few key slides and your audience will focus in on them.
4. Add Tasteful Animations
Most PowerPoint infographics feature many steps or objects in an infographic. With all those individual components, it"s ideal to "phase them in", step-by-step.
This is where PowerPoint animations are so useful. With the help of animations, introduce each section of the infographic elegantly.
Make sure to kiểm tra out our tutorial khổng lồ master PowerPoint animations, then địa chỉ cửa hàng them khổng lồ your PPT infographic template:
5. Connect on Social With An Infographic
Every successful presentation creates action. A great infographic can serve as the start of a conversation with an audience member.
One popular infographic that continues to grow in popularity is a social infographic. It gives you the chance khổng lồ show your social media channels & connect with the audience.
Use slides like this one from the premium Social truyền thông media Infographic lớn connect with your audience after the presentation.Use a social slide to danh mục your channel & show your audience the presence of your social channels. It builds credibility. It also gives your audience the chance to lớn get in touch & follow your nội dung after.
5 Best Infographic PowerPoint Slide design Trends for 2021
Keeping up with what"s new in the thiết kế world can be tricky. Styles and ideas change so quickly that it"s hard to know what lớn use. Don"t worry. Here are five of the most useful kiến thiết trends you can apply khổng lồ have an excellent looking PPT presentation:
1. 2d Illustrations
3D designs have been popular in the graphic and presentation kiến thiết world in the last few years, but 2 chiều is coming back strong. More & more, illustrated characters with 2 chiều forms have become more popular. Using these illustrations in your infographic PPT can bring your design into 2021.
The premium Logistic Infographic PowerPoint template uses 2 chiều illustrations khổng lồ talk about data.2. Unique Fonts
Typography plays a very important role in design. In 2021, that role is making a statement with large, modern fonts. They look bold và exciting và are a great way to hold your audience"s attention. You can find these chất lượng fonts on Envato Elements and elsewhere online.
Learn how to lớn choose your fonts with this tutorial from Envato Tuts+:
3. Minimalism
The trend of minimal design continues to lớn make an impact on all types of creative projects. It not only looks stylish, but it makes your content easier khổng lồ engage with. Reducing the number of elements you"ve got on each slide và managing trắng space is a great way to use this trend.
GDPR, a premium template, has a minimal kiến thiết style that can complement your content well.4. Line Art Style
The line art kiến thiết style makes use of distinct straight và curved lines over minimal backgrounds. It"s become a popular kiến thiết trend for creative projects in 2021. While a good idea khổng lồ use for charts and infographics, it"s worth noting this style only works with a restrained, minimal design.
5. Bright, Bold Colors
Eye-popping colors are everywhere in the 2021 design world. On infographic PPT presentations, they make data & text nội dung stand out when used effectively. If you want lớn experiment, I recommend using the màu sắc wheel from Adobe to find options that match.
Sport, a premium template, comes with 12 màu sắc variations that make use of striking gradients.5 Benefits to Using the Best PowerPoint Infographics Templates
You may still be unsure about using a premium PowerPoint template from Envato Elements or GraphicRiver. But there are many benefits from going this route. Let"s look at the đứng đầu five benefits of using premium templates:
There are better customization options. Premium PowerPoint templates tend khổng lồ have more assets to lớn use than infographic PPT templates that are free. You spend less time when you use templates. Starting from scratch can be difficult with PPTs. Using a template frees up your time khổng lồ use perfecting your presentation delivery.It"s easy khổng lồ find inspiration. Sometimes you might feel like you hit a roadblock in your presentation. But browsing the different assets included in your template can give you the creative spark you were missing.Get help when you need it. support is another key difference between premium and không tính phí PowerPoint infographics. Many premium templates include help files for when you get stuck. You feel assured you made the best presentation. Premium infographic template PowerPoints include icons, animations, và unique slides. You"ll never worry about whether your presentation will look good.Benefits of Using Envato Elements (Unlimited Asset Downloads)
You can tải về unlimited premium PowerPoint infographic templates from the Envato Elements library.Envato Elements is an offer that"s full of benefits that are perfect for creatives. For a monthly subscription, access unlimited digital assets for whatever project you"re working on. All are premium quality and fall under one easy to understand license.
Sign up for Envato Elements today. Start enjoying unlimited infographic PowerPoint templates. You"ll also get stock video, Photoshop actions, và much, much more for one low price.
More Template Resources for PowerPoint Presentations
Infographics địa chỉ a much-needed visual element lớn your presentations. But if you"d like to phối it up or browse around, there are thousands of premium options out there. I"ve grabbed some of my favorite alternatives from the Envato Tuts+ site:
Common PowerPoint Questions Answered (FAQ)
PowerPoint beginners and experts alike have questions about using the program. Whichever camp you fall into, I"d like to get you the answers you"re looking for. I"ve answered a few of the common questions users have about PowerPoint:
1. I"ve Never Used PowerPoint, What Should I Know?
There"s so much to know about PowerPoint but getting started is easier than you think. Play around with adding text and animations lớn slides, & keep our ultimate PowerPoint guide handy.
2. Can I Move Excel Data lớn PowerPoint?
Linking Excel data is possible & easier than it seems. In less than five minutes, this đoạn clip and tutorial can explain how lớn get it done:
3. How bởi I địa chỉ Images khổng lồ My Presentation?
With PowerPoint open, click on the Insert tab, then on Pictures from the Images group. There are two options for images found on your device or online.
As you can see, there"s a lot you can bởi vì with images in PowerPoint. Quickly learn how lớn take it to the next level:
4. Is There a Way lớn Collaborate on Presentations?
If you"re working in a group, you"ll want khổng lồ have an original version of your presentation, and copies that you can share & track changes with. Here"s an in-depth explanation:
5. Can I Save My PPT to clip Formats?
Knowing how to save your presentation as a video is useful if you plan on sharing it online. PowerPoint makes it easy with its Export menu, & it only takes a matter of seconds:
Learn More About Using PowerPoint
PowerPoint infographic slides are a great start. But you still need PowerPoint knowledge to work efficiently.
In our resource, How to lớn Use PowerPoint (Ultimate Tutorial Guide), we"ve got everything you need to lớn master the app. The skills you"ll gain help you become a confident presenter.
Here are three outstanding PowerPoint tutorials you can use to lớn kickstart your learning:
Learn Even More About Presentations
You"ve discovered where to lớn find PowerPoint infographic template không tính phí downloads. And where lớn get high-quality premium infographic PowerPoint templates. With the right template design, you"re on your way lớn creating an eye-catching slideshow.
Learn more about how to lớn make a good presentation. Vày you want lớn discover more effective presentation techniques? Get our eBook: The Complete Guide to lớn Making Great Presentations. Download it for free with a subscription lớn the Tuts+ Newsletter.
Use an Infographic PowerPoint Template lớn Showcase Key Data in Your Next Presentation
We"ve explored đứng top PowerPoint infographic templates. Miễn phí infographic templates PowerPoint downloads can be tempting. But premium infographic templates for PPT have so much more to offer.
We covered the benefits of using premium PowerPoint templates. Specially those available from Envato Elements & GraphicRiver for high-quality, professional results. You"ve also seen some examples of premium PowerPoint infographic templates. Plus, I"ve provided a menu of over 20 miễn phí PowerPoint presentation templates.
Are you ready to create your PowerPoint presentation with infographic? Why not start by downloading a PowerPoint template today?
Editorial Note: This post has been updated with contributions from Andrew Childress, Nathan Umoh and Maria Villanueva. Andrew is a freelance instructor for Envato Tuts+. Nathan & Maria are staff writers with Envato Tuts+.